
sport recovery

Moscow, Krylatskaya, 10



Plantography identifies whether a person has platypodia and the degree of platypodia. A special electronic device called a plantoscope takes a digital print of the plantar surface of the foot, a plantogram, and automatically calculates the parameters of platypodia.

Platypodia is a deformity of the foot arch caused by weakening joints, ligaments, and tiny bones that make the arch go down. The most extreme case is when the foot becomes totally flat.

Platypodia is extremely dangerous for athletes because it impairs one of the essential functions of feet - shock absorption while walking and running, which leads to damage to the joints located above the ankle joint: from the ankle, knee, hip joint, and lumbar region up to the shoulders and the cervical spine. The ligamentous-muscular apparatus is overstrained, which causes constant pains in the legs, back, and neck and more frequent injuries.

GREENFOOT - the plantoscope at LabRehab - is a modern diagnostics tool, which provides the most complete information about the degree of platypodia, the distribution of pressure on various parts of the feet, deformities of the spine, and the state of the musculoskeletal system as a whole. Based on the obtained plantograms, a certified specialist prepares individual orthopedic insoles for both sports and casual shoes, which help the athlete to correct the position of the foot arch without pain and avoid limiting physical activity.


1 session (10 minutes) is free

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